Thank you very much for your purchase of a physical copy of Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack. On this page, you can download the bonus original soundtracks for each game as MP3s (collected in a ZIP file). Download your bonus soundtracks by entering the serial code listed on the bonus sheet included with your game as described below.

■ For purchasers of Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack  

Atelier Sophie ~The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book~ DX
Atelier Firis ~The Alchemist of the Mysterious Journey~ DX
Atelier Lydie & Suelle ~The Alchemist of the Mysterious Paintings~ DX

▼ Enter serial code here

* Ready for each download codes.
* In the unlikely event of an error during download or installation of bonus content, we cannot provide technical support or compensation for damage incurred. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
* Using certain file extraction tools may result in corrupted text or damaged files, so please be sure to follow the outlined procedure.
* (2024/4/19 Update)
Due to popular demand, the download period has been extended.
The download serial code will become invalid when the bonus offer ends.

1. Downloading bonus content
Use a computer to access this site and enter your serial code. Once the code has been entered, click the “Download Here” button that appears.

2. Expanding (decompressing) your file(s)
Downloaded music files are compressed into a ZIP archive.
Expand the ZIP file to access your files in MP3 format.
On Windows, right-click your downloaded files and click “Expand All.”

On macOS, double-click your downloaded files and they will expand automatically.

3. Playing bonus content on your computer
Use a program that can play MP3 files.
On Windows, MP3 files can be played using Windows Media Player and other software.
On macOS, MP3 files can be played back using iTunes, Quicktime Player, and other software.
If there are no software available, please download them from the corresponding website.

4. Playing bonus content on your smartphone or tablet
Consult the manual that came with your smartphone or other mobile device and transfer your expanded bonus files from your computer to your device to play them.